The Finns know how to officiate and celebrate a doctoral defense

December 5th, 2024 

Besides the Respondent (doctoral candidate) it involves an Opponent (extramural expert), a Custos (master of ceremonies), representatives of the faculty and the public, each with well-defined functions. The defense builds on traditions that specify dress code (black waistcoat and white tie but no patent leather shoes), procedural details (placement of doctoral hats, verbatim salutations) and a defined sequel of events. The defense is preceded by a light lunch of the Respondent, Opponent and Custos in private. The public part starts with an official statement of the Custos, followed by the lectio praecursoria of the Opponent and the lectio of the Respondent. The actual examination of the Respondent by the Opponent under the supervision of the Custos can last several hours. At the end, the Opponent provides a final concluding statement concerning the Respondent’s performance.

The picture above documents that the Respondent Joel Nyström survived the procedure in good spirits thanks to his superior performance and the experienced guidance of the Custos John Eriksson and despite the cruel crossfire ignited by the Opponent Rudolf Leube. It was an unforgettable experience, which reached celestial qualities during the subsequent celebration.

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