
Fortbildung „Medizininformatik Up2Date“: Standards und Trends in der wissensbasierten klinischen Entscheidungsunterstützung

Mittwoch, 04.09.2019, 16:30 bis 18:00 Uhr

Prof. Rainer Röhrig ist neuer Institutsdirektor für Medizinische Informatik

Seit dem 1. Mai 2019 leitet Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Rainer Röhrig als Nachfolger von Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Math. Klaus Kabino das Institut für Medizinische Informatik. Zuvor…

Institut für Medizinische Informatik der RWTH Aachen und TK entwickeln digitalen Pflege-Coach

Rund drei Viertel der rund drei Millionen Pflegebedürftigen werden zu Hause gepflegt und oft zumindest teilweise durch "informell Pflegende" betreut. Im Pflegealltag fehlt diesen oft die Zeit oder…

Best Abstract Award at GMDS 2017

Ina Fink of our mHealth division was awarded with the Best Abstract Award at GMDS 2017 for her great presentation on BrainLab, our mobile EEG framework Ina Fink was awarded with the Best Abstract…

Smart Medical Information Technology for Healh Care (SMITH) funded by BMBF

The SMITH consortium, in which the Institute of Medical Informatics is also involved, receives the funding commitment from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of the funding…

Paper on Analysis of Craniocardiac Malformations published in Scientific Reports

A study on using Optical Coherence Tomography for the analysis of craniocardiac malformation in xenopus, coauthored by Dr. S. Jonas - head of our institute's mHealth division -, was published by…

Auf dem Weg zum Abschluss des RASimAs-Projekts

Drei Jahre nach Start des Forschungsprojekts in Aachen hat sich das RASimAs-Team, bestehend aus Wissenschaftlern, Ärzten und Industriepartnern, im spanischen Madrid an der Universität Rey Juan Carlos…

RWTH Lecturer

PD Cord Spreckelsen received the RWTH Lecturer award ("targeted at distinguished researchers with a doctorate who are characterized by their extraordinary teaching and research activities").

RASimAs: First Results of Excellence

Erik Smistad and Frank Lindseth of SINTEF Medical Technology, Norway, have been awarded at the MedViz Conference 2015

RWTH Aachen Medicine Model Curriculum supported by Online Catalogue of Learning Objectives

State of the art web technology is applied to communicate specific measurable learning objectives defined by the faculty in a 25 month effort.

Start of the European RASimAs project: Regional Anaesthesia Simulator and Assistant

The Department of Medical Informatics leads a new research project to bring virtual reality to medical doctors. The RASimAs project is funded with 3.3 million Euros by the European Union under the…