Quality management and patient safety in the rescue service of the city of Aachen

Due to the fact that the Medical Directorate of the Rescue Service (RettG NRW § 7, paragraph (3), version of 18.03.2015) is responsible for the areas defined in the Rescue Service Act of North Rhine-Westphalia, there is a fundamental interest in the topics of quality management, quality assurance and patient safety.

Necessary research questions and development opportunities thus arise from the daily inter-professional cooperation with colleagues from the rescue service and the fire brigade.

Feedback or further information:
Staff Unit Medical Management Emergency Medical Services, Quality Management and Patient Safety
Team 320 Rescue Service
Quality Management Representative Rescue Service City of Aachen
Chief Fire Inspector Florian Troschke, B.Sc.
Phone: +49 (0)241 432 373211

Details of the quality assurance and quality management measures in the rescue service of the city of Aachen can be found here.