Worldwide Sodium Channel Conference 2024

At the end of January, a unique conference took place in Grindelwald in Switzerland. For three days, over one hundred scientists from 19 countries gathered to discuss and present novel insights within the sodium channel research field. The sodium channel has a profound effect on many of the systems in the body, which was represented in the presentation during the conference, ranging from cardiology and peripheral nerves to cognitive disorders. The conference fostered discussions, novel state-of-the-art research and collaboration, which likely continue long beyond the conference.

The conference was organized by Hugues Abriel, Oksana Iamshanova, Jean-Sébastien Rougier, Ana Stojiljkovic (Bern, Switzerland) as well as Angelika Lampert and Jannis Körner (Aachen, Germany).

Further information can be found on the website of the regular Worldwide Sodium Channel Seminars.


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