AcuteCare InnovationHub

Telemedizin, eHEALTH und mHEALTH

  • Digitalisierung der Medizin
  • Intelligenter Einsatz von Informations- und Kommunikations-
  • Überbrückung von Versorgungsengpässen
Smarte Sensorik und Innovatives Monitoring

  • Kontaktlose und unmerkliche Messmethoden
  • Kontinuierliche Beurteilung des Gesundheitszustands
  • Maximierung der Bewegungsfreiheit
Interoperabilität und Künstliche Intelligenz

  • Intelligente und situationsadaptive Vernetzung von Medizingeräten
  • Prozessoptimierung durch integrierte Medizintechnik
  • Integration von Entscheidungsunterstützungs-

The AcuteCare InnovationHub is an interdisciplinary research unit of the Clinic for Anaesthesiology at the Uniklinik RWTH Aachen. We see ourselves as a kind of interface between research and users, between university and industry. Thanks to our agile and application-oriented research, we can make a quick contribution to the translation and intelligently network researchers, developers and users with one another.

Various innovative research projects focusing on "Telemedicine, eHealth and mHealth", "Smart sensors and innovative monitoring" and "Interoperability and artificial intelligence" are initiated and carried out here. Engineers, computer scientists, physicians and scientists from other professions work together interprofessionally in order to break new ground in acute medicine and to make optimal use of the resources of the health system.