5th Euro-CNS Muscle and Nerve Pathology CME course

The 5th Euro-CNS Muscle and Nerve Pathology CME course took place in Aachen, Germany, on March 22-24, 2017. The course was fully booked with 38 participants from 20 countries. The course lectures by renowned experts on the major issues of the morphological and molecular workup of muscle, nerve and skin biopsies were combined with slide sessions. For more detailed information on the course program and lecturers, please visit the Euro-CNS web site. The course was organized by Prof. W. den Dunnen, Groningen, Prof. W. Stenzel, Berlin, Prof. K. Claeys, Leuwen, and Prof. J. Weis, Aachen (local organizer). The course administration was in the experienced hands of Mrs. Astrid van Schendel, Amsterdam, and Mrs. Doris Dahmen, Aachen.

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Stabsstelle Unternehmenskommunikation
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