Supporting offers

At the CIO Aachen, we offer our patients various support services that enable them to become active themselves and thus optimally accompany the therapy. These include exercise therapy, nutritional advice and psycho-oncological support. Further information can be found on the following pages.

We - the pilots of the CIO Aachen in the ITA - look after our patients and their relatives personally during the entire treatment period. We coordinate treatment procedures with you and arrange support services. We are your reliable point of contact and act as an interface to all treatment partners at the CIO. We also accompany you during your consultations with your doctor in the CIO outpatient clinic - so we can continue to actively plan the therapeutic and diagnostic follow-up appointments with you.

In addition to the medical-therapeutic processes, we also give you access to support services within the CIO:

  • Nutritional counseling
  • Family SCOUT
  • Palliative medicine
  • Physiotherapy for cancer patients
  • Psycho-oncology
  • Pain outpatient clinic
  • Self-help groups
  • Social services

What can we do for you?

Consultation hours and information
We will inform you about the support services for cancer patients at the CIO Aachen and coordinate appointments for interdisciplinary diagnostics and treatment for you.

Tumor conferences
In consultation with your doctors, we prepare the registrations for the relevant tumor conferences in order to guarantee you the best possible therapy through consultation with an interdisciplinary team of doctors.

Care and aftercare
In cooperation with the case management team, we make the preparations for your inpatient treatment and the transition from inpatient to outpatient care. We are also your contact for aftercare, making appointments and ensuring continuity of care.

If the doctors treating you at the CIO Aachen are considering the possibility of you taking part in a study, we will prepare contact with the relevant study center at the University Hospital RWTH Aachen and be available as your point of contact.

Availability and contact

Please contact us directly if you have urgent questions (therapy side effects, emergencies) and questions about support services. We will then be happy to initiate the appropriate measures.

Office hours
You can reach us Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 15:00. Outside these hours, you are welcome to leave a message or send an e-mail and we will get back to you the next working day.

Tel.: 0241 80-80668
Fax: 0241 80-3380668

How to find us:
Main building of the University Hospital RWTH Aachen
Elevator B5, floor 3, corridor 12, room 1

In addition to physical complaints, psychological and social problems can have a major impact on the lives of cancer patients. Feelings such as uncertainty, fear, anger or sadness are part of this situation, but can be a considerable burden. Psycho-oncological support is one way of making it easier to cope with these burdens.

As a supplement to medical therapy, the University Hospital RWTH Aachen therefore offers you psycho-oncological support and guidance both during your inpatient stay and during further outpatient treatment at the University Hospital. The psycho-oncology team, which consists of doctors and psychologists, would like to accompany you from the beginning and in every phase of treatment in order to support you in your changed life situation.

We are there for you if you ...

  • are unsettled and would like an active listener
  • want to sort out your thoughts and feelings
  • need support to develop a helpful attitude towards treatment
  • are looking for relief in crisis situations
  • need support in making decisions that are important to you
  • want to find out what strengthens you
  • want to learn methods for relaxation and stabilization
  • need support in overcoming anxiety, depression or sleep disorders
  • need advice for your relatives

Who do we treat?

Psycho-oncological support takes place in individual, couple and family discussions. The psycho-oncology services are open to all patients and their relatives who are currently undergoing treatment for cancer at RWTH Aachen University Hospital.

Head of the Psychooncology Section

Dr. med. Andrea Petermann-Meyer, FÄ für Allgemeinmedizin, Psychotherapie, psychosoziale Onkologie (DKG)

Deputy Head of the Psychooncology Section

Natalie Schneiders, Dipl.-Psychologin, Psychotherapeutin

Employees of the Section

Dr. med. Angelika Arpe, Ärztin, Psychoonkologin (DKG)

Gülsemin Dayiouglu, Medizinische Fachangestellte

Helga Düsseldorf, Psychologische Psychotherapeutin, Psychoonkologin (DKG), Hypnotherapeutin

Dr. med. Sarah Halfter, Ärztliche Psychotherapeutin, Systemische Therapeutin, Psychoonkologin (DKG)

Dr. rer. nat. Julia Herweg, Psychologische Psychotherapeutin (VT)

Isabel Kuska, Medizinische Fachangestellte

Natalie Schmid, M.Sc. Psych., Psychologische Psychotherapeutin, Psychoonkologin (DKG)

Natalie Schmid, M.Sc. Psych., Psychologische Psychotherapeutin, Psychoonkologin (DKG)

Rebekka Statz, M. Sc. Psychologie, psychologische Psychotherapeutin i. A., Psychoonkologin (DKG)

Samira Steffens, M. Sc. Psychologie, psychologische Psychotherapeutin i. A.

Anna Wafo, M.S. Psychologin, psychologische Psychotherapeutin i.A.

Take a look at the Supporting Services video clip and get to know us better!

Consultation agreement

During your inpatient treatment at the University Hospital, please contact your ward doctor, who will contact us.

If you are undergoing outpatient treatment, please arrange an outpatient psycho-oncology appointment by calling 0241 80-89932 or 0241 80-88090. If you have already met a psycho-oncologist during your treatment, it is helpful if you state the name of this psycho-oncologist when making the appointment.

Family SCOUT is a project of the University Hospital RWTH Aachen and Caritas Aachen. Families with underage children in which one parent is suffering from cancer receive support here. Further information can be found on the Family SCOUT website.

The right diet is a topic that concerns many people, especially during and after cancer. The 10 rules of the German Nutrition Society (DGE) offer general recommendations for a healthy diet. More specific and complex questions may arise if the issue of nutrition is part of the context of cancer for many patients and therefore in a wider health context, such as cancer therapies, side effects and special health features. German Cancer Aid (DKH) has therefore compiled comprehensive information for patients in its Blue Guides, here “Nutrition in cancer”.

Further information and links can also be found here, on the DKG's oncology internet portal on the subject of nutrition and cancer.

A balanced diet plays a decisive role in your health and well-being. A healthy diet can have a positive influence on your state of health. Nutrition is also a personal matter. It is therefore advisable to consult with your medical team to get the best possible support. The nutritional advice team will support you in this.

If you have any questions or uncertainties, please do not hesitate to contact the team or your doctors. They are there to support you on your journey.

Exercise can offer physical and emotional benefits. Before, during and after treatment, cancer patients benefit from targeted exercise. It is important to listen to your body and choose activities that suit your current health situation and that you enjoy. The physiotherapy team, especially the Onkosport staff, are there for you if you have any uncertainties or specific questions. Talk to the team during and after your cancer treatment. Your treatment team will also be on hand to ensure that you receive the best possible support on your journey.

Comprehensive information can be found in the DKH's blue guide “Exercise and sport in cancer” with information specifically for patients.

Fertility issues during and after cancer can be worrying. Here is some information to help you with this issue:

Cancer treatments can have different effects on fertility. It is important that you talk to your medical team about your individual potential risks and options. Ideally, you should talk to your doctor about your fertility before you start cancer treatment. This will allow you to plan protective or preventative measures. There are various options for preserving fertility, such as freezing eggs or sperm. The reproductive medicine team can inform you about suitable measures for your individual situation.

Professional societies, such as the German Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (DGGG) and the German Society of Urology (DGU), recommend fertility counseling for cancer patients. They emphasize the importance of fertility counseling and, among other things, develop guidelines for those treating patients to ensure the best possible implementation of the topic. The DKH has also produced a Blue Guide “Fertility and Cancer” on this important topic.

The CIO team is on hand to answer your questions and help you make the best decisions for your individual situation. Discuss your family planning with your doctor to get the best possible support.

Further information can be found here

Further information can be found here

Further information can be found here

Further information can be found here