The future of medical devices: OR.NET e.V. holds the first IHE SDPi plug-a-thon

In a hybrid event from October 20 to 21, 2020, manufacturers of medical technology systems and software solutions as well as stakeholdersin research had the opportunity to test the current status of SDC development.

With the increasing use of technology and digitization in the everyday clinical practice, the networking of medical devices grows increasingly important. The SDC standard, which was the focus of the plug-at-a-thon, provides a remedy. SDC stands for Service-oriented Device Connectivity and is a communication standard that ensures cross-manufacturer and cross-functional networking of medical devices.

Networking in times of a pandemic? A hybrid format made it possible: The participants on site in Aachen were joined via video conference by other guests from Lübeck, as well as the USA - with Todd Cooper, the director of the IHE -, so that in addition to a lively exchange about the latest progress and goals for the future, it was also possible to test and evaluate software components with the respective components of the other partners.

In addition to companies such as Dräger and Philips, the Medical Technology Section, SurgiTAIX AG as well as steute Technologies GmbH were also represented in Aachen.

A look behind the scenes of the first IHE SDPi Plug-a-thon: the hybrid format made it possible.
The latest medical component software under test.

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