Keynote speeches

Lily Wang will link indoor acoustic conditions to human well-being and performance.

Tunga Salthammer will discuss the impact of climate change on indoor air quality from global and regional perspectives.

Davide Filingeri will dive deep into temperature and wetness sensing, and the reconciliation of physiological and perceptual mechanisms of the human body, to better understand thermal comfort in health and disease.

Reaching far beyond normal design concerns with beauty and aesthetics, Lisa Heschong will address the many ways in which our luminous environment can profoundly affect human health and well-being - in the short and long term, via physiological, neurological and developmental pathways.

Deeply involved in the writing of IPCC reports, Klaus Hubacek will take us on a journey from planetary boundaries to human behaviour in buildings.

Irene van Kamp will discuss the effects of the exposome on child mental health, including physical factors such as the built and natural environment, indoor and outdoor IAQ, as well as social aspects, family and neighbourhood.