Alexander-von-Humboldt Research fellowship for Dr. Carolina Junho

Dr. Carolina Junho, young postdoc in the Institute for Molecular Cardiovascular Research, has been awarded an Alexander-von-Humboldt Research fellowship for Postdocs, in the frame of the Henriette Herz Scouting programme. For the next two years, she will work in the group of PD. Dr. Heidi Noels on the topic of “Increased cardiovascular risk upon kidney damage: towards novel insights into underlying pathological mechanisms in the vascular system”.

On 18th July 2022, Dr. Junho successfully defended her PhD thesis in Biotechnosciences at the Federal University of ABC, in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Her thesis was titled “Klotho as a new therapy strategy in cardiorenal syndrome type 3”, in which she studied the cardioprotective role of Klotho in a model of renal unilateral ischemia and reperfusion. The focus of the work was to analyze the calcium handling of the adult ventricular cardiomyocytes in the model, performing confocal microscopy.


Dr. Carolina Junho

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