Institute of Clinical Pharmacology
Dear Sir or Madame,
welcome to the website of the Institute of Clinical Pharmacology at the University Hospital RWTH Aachen. I am pleased to introduce you to the interests of our subject in research and teaching on our homepage.
Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics is specialized in the investigation of interindividual variability in response and side effects of drug therapies. By researching the characteristics of therapy response in individual patients, we can gain knowledge about how drugs act in different persons and which molecular risk profiles can cause adverse drug reactions.
Many advanced therapy approaches no longer consist of a single drug but are combinations of several modes of action comprising medical devices, digital systems and even cells or genetic compounds. In this context, it is particularly important to have a good understanding of the potential adverse effects that novel therapies may exert in patients, and what vulnerability profiles exist, so that adverse effects can be avoided.
On our website you will find everything worth knowing about our research topics and projects. You will find information on further education opportunities or scientific collaborations and an overview of our scientific projects and research networks.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or requests.
With best regards
Professor Dr. med. Julia C. Stingl
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