International students

Dear incoming exchange student,

welcome to the Department of Gastroenterology, metabolic disorders and internal intensive care (Med. Department III) at University Hospital in Aachen. We are more than happy to welcome you for an internship. In general, we offer several options for internships with us (Erasmus+, RWTH Exchange Worldwide, several options for clinical internships)

For more detailed information concerning application processes and requirements, please visit our faculty website here (Erasmus+, RWTH Exchange Worldwide).

Partner universities

Coordinators from our partner universities will find everything they need to know in order to nominate their students visiting this link.

German language skills

The language requirement for incoming students taking either courses or clinical experience at our Faculty of Medicine is German B2. Please check out the RWTH Sprachenzentrum for more information on language courses. Insufficient command of German (less than B2) can be a reason for rejection of your application.

Clinical internships

Medical students of all semesters are invited to participate in internship programs corresponding to their semester.

Please send your application, CV and german language certificate, together with form “P-TEMP10026-3.0” to sprickartzukaachende.

For content-related questions please contact: pj-med3ukaachende