Message archive

Identification of the ligand-binding pocket in a class of peptide-gated ion channels published in PNAS

Hydra Na+ channels (HyNaCs) are a group of peptide-gated ion channels that are closely related to Acid-Sensing Ion Channels (ASICs). In our latest study, which has been published in the Proceedings of…

Ilka Brakmann successfully finished her MD thesis

Today our MD student Ilka Brakmann successfully passed the oral examination at the end of her thesis. Part of the results of her doctoral thesis entitled „Acid-sensitive ion channels: analysis in…

31.08.2024 – Annual BBQ of the Gründer group

On a hot and sunny day, we gathered for the annual BBQ of the Gründer group. Thanks to everybody for making this a fun event!

Birgit Franzen celebrates 25 years at the Institute of Physiology

Today, Birgit Franzen, Secretary of the Institute of Physiology, celebrated 25 years at the Institute of Physiology. At this occasion, the entire institute gathered to thank her for her wonderful work…

Functional characterization of Acid-Sensing Ion Channels in Glioblastoma stem cell lines

Typically, the tumor microenvironment has a slightly acidic pH. In our most recent study, which was published in the journal Pflügers Archiv – European Journal of Physiology, we functionally…

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German Research Foundation funds project on the ASIC1a proteome

In the next three years, the German Research Foundation funds with almost 400.000 Euro a project to characterize the proteome of the ASIC1a ion channel. The proteome comprises the entire set of…

Sven Kuspiel successfully defends his doctoral thesis

Today, our PhD student Sven Kuspiel successfully defended his doctoral thesis, in which he had analysed with electrophysiological methods the interaction of a new associated protein with Acid-Sensing…

What ist he role of acid-sensing ion channels in tumour cells??

Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are proton-gated Na+-channels, which are normally expressed in neurons. However, also many tumour cells express ASICs. Because tumour cells thrive in an acidic…

High concentrations of the pineal hormone melatonin have profound effects on neuronal excitability

Melatonin is well known as “sleeping hormone”. In the USA and Canada, it is also sold as an over-the-counter dietary supplement and strong antioxidative effects and positive effects on diverse…

Jan Clusmann receives the Best thesis Award of the German Physiological Society

Today, our former MD student, Jan Clusmann (on the left), received the Dissertation Award of the German Physiological Society (DPG) for his medical thesis. He received the award at the annual meeting…

Functional characterisation of Acid-Sensing Ion Channels in Glioblastoma stem cell lines

Typically, the micro-environment of a tumour has a slightly acidic pH. It it therefore important to characterize acid sensors, like Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs), in tumor cells. In our most…

Functional characterisation of an important heteromeric Acid-Sensing Ion Channels of the PNS

Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are proton-gated ion channels that are also expressed in the peripheral nervous system where they detect painful acidosis. ASICs assemble as homo- or heterotrimers.…