
“Paclitaxel-Picelles for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Therapy” funded by the BMBF (German Science Ministry) with over 2 Mio € for all partners (AG Maurer/223,856€) together with AG Lammers, AG Morgenroth (UK Aachen), AG Wendler (Fraunhofer PAZ), CTCR Aachen and EPO (Berlin)

“Entwicklung einer verbesserten, nebenwirkungsarmen Immuntherapie basierend auf Tumor-gerichteter und aktivierbarer Immunreaktionsauslösung (Taktira)“ funded by Europäische Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE, Förderkennzeichen 0801765) (220,347 € für die Molekulare Gynäkologie/AG Maurer, insgesamt Fördervolumen von 2,85 Mio €/davon 1,17 Mio € für die Uniklinik RWTH Aachen)

“Importance of vascular prostate specific mebrane antigen for the endogenous radiotherapy of triple-negative breast cancer” funded by the German Cancer Aid (367,955 €) together with AG Morgenroth, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen

“Funktionale miRNA-Untersuchung der Metastasierung in einem individualisierten, patienten-spezifischen Brustkrebsstammzellmodell“ funded by START – Uniklinik RWTH Aachen (102,000 €)

„In vitro-Challenge – Entwicklung und Etablierung von individuellen biomimetischen Humantumormodellen zur Entwicklung und Testung neuer Therapeutika“ funded by the BMBF (50.000 €)

“IRAK2 induces differentiation in breast cancer stem cells” funded by the DFG (215,000 €)

IZKF “Advanced Program” 3D-Advanced Tumor-tissue Application Chemotherapy-concept (3D-ATAC) (20,000 €)

Memono – Metabolisches Monitoring in an Organ-on-chip-System Funding through Land Baden-Württemberg (468,000 €) together with AG Urban

Part of the GADETA Eurostars Grant “Developing tools to assess efficacy and safety of the promising TEG treatment for solid tumors” Funding by the European Union (1,6000,000 €) together with AG Schamel/Minguet (BIOSS Freiburg), Gadeta B.V. (Netherlands), CellTool (Germany) and Hubrecht Organoid Technology (Netherlands)

Bridge-funding (Forschungskommission Freiburg): Postdoctoral position with lab funds to evaluate the effects of Histone deacetylase inhibitor Methylstat on breast cancer stem cells (35,000 €)

ChemMon3D – novel 3D models of cancer replacing animal models. Funding through Land Baden-Württemberg (160,000 €) together with AG Urban (IMTEK)

Member of SFB850, Project C8: “Role of EMT and cellular motility in cancer stem cells isolated from triple negative breast cancer” (480,000 €)

DKTK Juniorgroup, ”Targeting the kinome to induce differentiation in human breast cancer stem cells” (600,000 €)

Department of Defense Postdoctoral Fellowship (BC093655), independant research grant “Establishment, Analysis, and Differentiation of Basal-Like Breast Cancer Stem Cells” (320,000 $ with overhead for 3 years)