Dr. med. Annette Durst
Oberärztin der Poliklinik
Fachärztin für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Tel.: +49 241 80-89539
Fax: +49 241 80-82401
Orfanos S, Toygar T, Berthold-Losleben M, Chechko N, Durst A, Laoutidis ZG, Vocke S, Weidenfeld C, Schneider F, Karges W, Beckmann CF, Habel U, Kohn N. Investigating the impact of overnight fasting on intrinsic functional connectivity: a double-blind fMRI study. Brain Imaging Behav. 2018; 12(4): 1150-1159.
Kohn N, Wassenberg A, Toygar T, Kellermann T, Weidenfeld C, Berthold-Losleben M, Chechko N, Orfanos S, Vocke S, Laoutidis ZG, Schneider F, Karges W, Habel U. Prolonged fasting impairs neural reactivity to visual stimulation. Brain Struct Funct 2016; 221(1): 147-58.
Chechko N, Vocke S, Habel U, Toygar T, Kuckartz L, Berthold-Losleben M, Laoutidis ZG, Orfanos S, Wassenberg A, Karges W, Schneider F, Kohn N. Effects of overnight fasting on working memory-related brain network: An fMRI study. Hum Brain Mapp 2015; 36(3): 839-51.
Kohn N, Toygar T, Weidenfeld C, Berthold-Losleben M, Chechko N, Orfanos S, Vocke S, Durst A, Laoutidis ZG, Karges W, Schneider F, Habel U. In a sweet mood? Effects of experimental modulation of blood glucose levels on mood-induction during fMRI. Neuroimage 2015; 113: 246-256.