Dr. rer. medic. Martin Klasen
Tel.: +49 241 80-85681
Fax: +49 241 80-82401
Hauptgebäude, Etage 2, Gang D, Raum 23
Sarkheil P, Klasen M, Schneider F, Goebel R, Mathiak K. Amygdala response and functional connectivity during cognitive emotion regulation of aversive image sequences. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2018; doi: 10.1007/s00406-018-0920-4. [Epub ahead of print]
Wolf D, Mittelberg I, Rekittke LM, Bhavsar S, Zvyagintsev M, Haeck A, Cong F, Klasen M, Mathiak K. Interpretation of Social Interactions: Functional Imaging of Cognitive-Semiotic Categories During Naturalistic Viewing. Front Hum Neurosci 2018; 12: 296
Wolf D, Klasen M, Eisner P, Zepf FD, Zvyagintsev M, Palomero-Gallagher N, Weber R, Eisert A, Mathiak K. Central serotonin modulates neural responses to virtual violent actions in emotion regulation networks. Brain Struct Funct 2018; 223(7): 3327-3345
Klasen M, Wolf D, Eisner PD, Habel U, Repple J, Vernaleken I, Schlüter T, Eggermann T, Zerres K, Zepf FD, Mathiak K. Neural networks underlying trait aggression depend on MAOA gene alleles. Brain Struct Funct 2018; 223(2):873-881.
Wolf D, Rekittke LM, Mittelberg I, Klasen M, Mathiak K. Perceived Conventionality in Co-speech Gestures Involves the Fronto-Temporal Language Network. Front Hum Neurosci 2017; 11: 573.
Eisner P, Klasen M, Wolf D, Zerres K, Eggermann T, Eisert A, Zvyagintsev M, Sarkheil P, Mathiak KA, Zepf F, Mathiak K. Cortico-limbic connectivity in MAOA-L carriers is vulnerable to acute tryptophan depletion. Hum Brain Mapp 2017; 38(3): 1622-1635.
Helmbold K, Zvyagintsev M, Dahmen B, Bubenzer-Busch S, Gaber TJ, Crockett MJ, Klasen M, Sanchez CL, Eisert A, Konrad K, Habel U, Herpertz-Dahlmann B, Zepf FD. Effects of acute Tryptophan Depletion on aspects of Punishment processing in the orbitofrontal and anterior cingulate Cortices: A pilot Study in healthy adult Females. Aust NZ J Psychiat 2016; 50: 87.
Schelenz PD, Klasen M, Reese B, Regenbogen C, Wolf D, Kato Y, Mathiak K. Corrigendum: Multisensory integration of dynamic emotional faces and voices: method for simultaneous EEG-fMRI measurements. Front Hum Neurosci 2016; 10: 624.
Mathiak K, Klasen M. Neuroimaging Genetics Edited by Bigos et al. Oxford University Press. Open Neuroimag J 2016; 10: 125.
Biskup CS, Helmbold K, Baurmann D, Klasen M, Gaber TJ, Bubenzer-Busch S, Königschulte W, Fink GR, Zepf FD. Resting state default mode network connectivity in children and adolescents with ADHD after acute tryptophan depletion. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2016; 134(2): 161-71.
Helmbold K, Zvyagintsev M, Dahmen B, Biskup CS, Bubenzer-Busch S, Gaber TJ, Klasen M, Eisert A, Konrad K, Habel U, Herpertz-Dahlmann B, Zepf FD. Serotonergic modulation of resting state default mode network connectivity in healthy women. Amino Acids 2016; 48(4): 1109-20.
Zvyagintsev M, Klasen M, Weber R, Sarkheil P, Esposito F, Mathiak KA, Schwenzer M, Mathiak K. Violence-related content in video game may lead to functional connectivity changes in brain networks as revealed by fMRI-ICA in young men. Neuroscience 2016; 320: 247-58.
► frühere Originalarbeiten
Cordes JS, Mathiak KA, Dyck M, Alawi EM, Gaber TJ, Zepf FD, Klasen M, Zvyagintsev M, Gur RC, Mathiak K. Cognitive and neural strategies during control of the anterior cingulate cortex by fMRI neurofeedback in patients with schizophrenia. Front Behav Neurosci 2015; 9: 169.
Helmbold K, Zvyagintsev M, Dahmen B, Bubenzer-Busch S, Gaber TJ, Crockett MJ, Klasen M, Sánchez CL, Eisert A, Konrad K, Habel U, Herpertz-Dahlmann B, Zepf FD. Effects of serotonin depletion on punishment processing in the orbitofrontal and anterior cingulate cortices of healthy women. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 2015; 25(6): 846-56.
Klasen M, Kreifelts B, Chen YH, Seubert J, Mathiak K. Neural processing of emotion in multimodal settings. Front Hum Neurosci. 2014; 8: 822.
Klasen M, Zvyagintsev M, Schwenzer M, Mathiak KA, Sarkheil P, Weber R, Mathiak K. Quetiapine modulates functional connectivity in brain aggression networks. Neuroimage 2013; 75: 20-6.
Mathiak KA, Klasen M, Zvyagintsev M, Weber R, Mathiak K. Neural networks underlying affective states in a multimodal virtual environment: contributions to boredom. Front Hum Neurosci 2013; 7: 820.
Schelenz PD, Klasen M, Reese B, Regenbogen C, Wolf D, Kato Y, Mathiak K. Multisensory integration of dynamic emotional faces and voices: method for simultaneous EEG-fMRI measurements.Regenbogen C, Habel U, Kellermann T. Connecting multimodality in human communication. Front Hum Neurosci 2013; 7: 754.
Klasen M, Chen Y-H, Mathiak K. Multisensory emotions: perception, combination and underlying neural processes. Reviews in the Neurosciences, 2012; 4: 381-393.
Klasen M, Weber R, Kircher TT, Mathiak KA, Mathiak K. Neural contributions to flow experience during video game playing. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2012; 7(4): 485-95.
Mathiak KA, Klasen M, Weber R, Ackermann H, Shergill SS, Mathiak K. Reward system and temporal pole contributions to affective evaluation during a first person shooter video game. BMC Neurosci 2011; 12: 66.
Klasen M, Kenworthy CA, Mathiak KA, Kircher TT, Mathiak K. Supramodal Representation of Emotions. J Neurosci 2011; 31: 13635-13643.
Zvyagintsev M, Klasen M, Mathiak KA, Weber R, Edgar JC, Mathiak K. Real-time noise cancellation for speech acquired in interactive functional magnetic resonance imaging studies. J Magn Reson Imaging 2010; 32(3): 705-713.
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