Dr. rer. medic. Sarah E. Lammertz, geb. Groppe

Tel.: +49 241 80-37151
Fax: +49 241 80-82401
Hauptgebäude, Etage 3, Gang A, Raum 44
Deuse L, Wudarczyk O, Rademacher L, Kaleta P, Karges W, Kacheva S, Gründer G, Lammertz SE. Peripheral Oxytocin Predicts Higher-Level Social Cognition in Men Regardless of Empathy Quotient. Pharmacopsychiatry 2018; doi: 10.1055/a-0590-4850. [Epub ahead of print]
Sychla H, Gründer G, Lammertz SE. Comparison of Clomethiazole and Diazepam in the Treatment of Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome in Clinical Practice. Eur Addict Res 2017; 23(4): 211-218.
Schlüter T, Schliwa ES, May VD, Lammertz SE, Vernaleken I. A competitively designed version of the point subtraction aggression paradigm is related to proactive aggressive and psychopathic traits in males. Psychiatry Res 2017; 256: 318-327.
Paulzen M, Haen E, Hiemke C, Stegmann B, Lammertz SE, Gründer G, Schoretsanitis G. Cytochrome P450 mediated interaction between perazine and risperidone: implications for antipsychotic polypharmacy. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2017; 83(8): 1668-1675.
Goerlich KS, Votinov M, Lammertz SE, Winkler L, Spreckelmeyer KN, Habel U, Gründer G, Gossen A. Effects of alexithymia and empathy on the neural processing of social and monetary rewards. Brain Struct Funct 2017; 222(5): 2235-2250.
Rademacher L, Schulte-Rüther M, Hanewald B, Lammertz S. Reward: From Basic Reinforcers to Anticipation of Social Cues. Curr Top Behav Neurosci 2017; 30: 207-221.
Paulzen M, Schoretsanitis G, Stegmann B, Hiemke C, Gründer G, Schruers KR, Walther S, Lammertz SE, Haen E. Pharmacokinetic considerations in antipsychotic augmentation strategies: How to combine risperidone with low-potency antipsychotics. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 2017; 76: 101-106.
►Frühere Originalarbeiten
Paulzen M, Lammertz SE, Gründer G, Veselinovic T, Hiemke C, Tauber SC. Measuring citalopram in blood and central nervous system: revealing a distribution pattern that differs from other antidepressants: Erratum. Int Clin Psychopharmacol 2016; 31(5): 300.
Schoretsanitis G, Haen E, Gründer G, Stegmann B, Schruers KR, Hiemke C, Lammertz SE, Paulzen M. Pharmacokinetic Drug-Drug Interactions of Mood Stabilizers and Risperidone in Patients Under Combined Treatment. J Clin Psychopharmacol 2016; 36(6): 554-561.
Deuse L, Rademacher LM, Winkler L, Schultz RT, Gründer G, Lammertz SE. Neural correlates of naturalistic social cognition: brain-behavior relationships in healthy adults. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci 2016; 11(11): 1741-1751.
Paulzen M, Haen E, Stegmann B, Hiemke C, Gründer G, Lammertz SE, Schoretsanitis G. Body mass index (BMI) but not body weight is associated with changes in the metabolism of risperidone; A pharmacokinetics-based hypothesis. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2016; 73: 9-15.
Schoretsanitis G, Haen E, Hiemke C, Gründer G, Stegmann B, Schruers KR, Veselinovic T, Lammertz SE, Paulzen M. Risperidone-induced extrapyramidal side effects: is the need for anticholinergics the consequence of high plasma concentrations? Int Clin Psychopharmacol 2016; 31(5): 259-64.
Schoretsanitis G, Stegmann B, Hiemke C, Gründer G, Schruers KR, Walther S, Lammertz SE, Haen E, Paulzen M. Pharmacokinetic patterns of risperidone-associated adverse drug reactions. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2016; 72(9): 1091-8.
Paulzen M, Haen E, Gründer G, Lammertz SE, Stegmann B, Schruers KR, Walther S, Schoretsanitis G. Pharmacokinetic considerations in the treatment of hypertension in risperidone-medicated patients - thinking of clinically relevant CYP2D6 interactions. J Psychopharmacol 2016; 30(8):803-9.
Schoretsanitis G, Haen E, Hiemke C, Gründer G, Stegmann B, Schruers KR, Veselinovic T, Lammertz SE, Paulzen M. Risperidone-induced extrapyramidal side effects: is the need for anticholinergics the consequence of high plasma concentrations? Int Clin Psychopharmacol 2016; 31(5):259-64.
Paulzen M, Gründer G, Veselinovic T, Wolf B, Hiemke C, Lammertz SE. Duloxetine enters the brain - But why is it not found in the cerebrospinal fluid. J Affect Disord 2016; 189: 159-63.
Paulzen M, Lammertz SE, Gründer G, Veselinovic T, Hiemke C, Tauber SC. Measuring citalopram in blood and central nervous system: revealing a distribution pattern that differs from other antidepressants. Int Clin Psychopharmacol 2016; 31(3): 119-26.
Paulzen M, Groppe S, Tauber SC, Veselinovic T, Hiemke C, Gründer G. Venlafaxine and O-desmethylvenlafaxine concentrations in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid. J Clin Psychiatry 2015; 76(1): 25-31.
Paulzen M, Gründer G, Tauber SC, Veselinovic T, Hiemke C, Groppe SE. Distribution pattern of mirtazapine and normirtazapine in blood and CSF. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2015; 232(4): 807-13.
Paulzen M, Lammertz SE, Veselinovic T, Goecke TW, Hiemke C, Gründer G. Lamotrigine in pregnancy - therapeutic drug monitoring in maternal blood, amniotic fluid, and cord blood. Int Clin Psychopharmacol 2015; 30(5): 249-54
Gossen A, Groppe SE, Winkler L, Kohls G, Herrington J, Schultz RT, Gründer G, Spreckelmeyer KN. Neural evidence for an association between social proficiency and sensitivity to social reward. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci 2014; 9(5): 661-70.
Groppe SE, Gossen A, Rademacher L, Hahn A, Westphal L, Gründer G, Spreckelmeyer KN. Oxytocin Influences Processing of Socially Relevant Cues in the Ventral Tegmental Area of the Human Brain. Biol Psychiatry 2013; 74(3): 172-9.
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