Open Postdoctoral fellow position

Topic: Characterization of the Progression of chronic liver disease in a nation-wide multi-center biosystemic approach (LiSyM)


Chronic liver diseases are an increasing medical and socioeconomic problem worldwide. The Department of Medicine III of the University of Aachen is an international renowned institute for basic science and translational research in the field of Hepatology with special focus on chronic liver inflammation and fibrogenesis. The specific focus of our group is thereby the complex interaction between inflammatory cells and liver resident cells during acute liver injury, fibrosis and carcinogenesis. With this regard, the group is part of a recently founded nation-wide consortium comprising experts in Hepatology, Molecular Biology, Imaging and Systems Biology funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany (BMBF) dedicated to characterize dynamics and regulatory mechanisms of acute and chronic liver diseases in an multifarious biosystemic approach. Within this consortium, our group specifically focus on the progression of liver fibrosis integrating data obtained in animal models as well as from patients with chronic liver diseases.

We offer: integration in a dedicated and dynamic team, structured training in a broad spectrum of basic scientific in vitro and in vivo techniques (including mouse models) and translational scientific approaches, regular seminars and meetings fostering scientific exchange within the department and with other institutes, integration in a national consortium of Liver System Medicine (LiSyM) and international cooperative networks

We are looking for: a highly motivated and dedicated postdoctoral fellow graduated in biology, bioinformatics, biotechnology, biochemistry, or equivalent master studies with special interest in basic scientific research with translational transfer who works well in a team and enjoys driving a project. Special interest and expertise in Hepatology (including mouse models of liver injury) as well as Systems Biology is favored.

Duration: Funding is available for at least five years 

Contact: Marie-Luise Berres, MD, Medical Department III, Pauwelstrasse 30, 52070 Aachen, Germany, applications via email to (principal investigator) 

Start: as soon as possible

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Uniklinik RWTH Aachen
Stabsstelle Unternehmenskommunikation
Dr. Mathias Brandstädter
Tel. 0241 80-89893