Maria Dimitra Chiotelli

PhD student

M. Sc. Maria Dimitra Chiotelli



Maria Dimitra studied Mechanical Engineering at the University of Thessaly (Greece). Her Diploma thesis in Experimental Biomechanics has been awarded in the FEMS competition 2021.  During the last year of her undergraduate studies, Maria Dimitra pursued an ERASMUS+ research internship at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (Germany). She then completed an MSc in Biomechanics and Biophysics Engineering at École Polytechnique (France), as a scholar from the French Government and the Greek State Scholarship's Foundation. and has been an intern at LVTS lab of Université de Paris during this period. In November 2022, Maria started her PhD thesis in Biophysics in our group. The thesis topic is focused towards the quantification of motility and chemotaxis of gut commensals.