Collaborative review on neonatal mucosal immunology published in Mucosal Immunology

Natalia Torow from the group of Mathias Hornef at the RWTH Aachen together with Eva Gollwitzer from the group of Benjamin Marsland in Lausanne, Switzerland, published together a review on neonatal mucosal immunology with the focus on their respective research subject, the neonatal intestine and the neonatal lung. The review summarizes our current understanding of organ development, immune cell homing and maturation as well as environmental and microbial exposure during the immediate postnatal period.

Torow N, Marsland BJ, Hornef MW, Gollwitzer ES. Neonatal mucosal immunology.
Mucosal Immunol. 2016 Sep 21. doi: 10.1038/mi.2016.81.

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