Thomas Clavel, Dr. rer. nat.
Univ.-Prof., Intestinal Microbiology
Phone: +49 241 80-85523
Welcome to the Clavel lab at the Institute of Medical Microbiology, RWTH University Hospital, Aachen
Our research is dedicated to the study of intestinal microbiomes (the communities of microorganisms, their genomes, and environmental factors in the gut). Because intestinal microorganisms have major effects on the physiology of their host, it is important to investigate and understand their diversity and functions. We focus primarily on the human, pig, and mouse gut microbiomes because of their relevance for health-related issues. We are interested in describing the taxonomic and functional diversity of gut bacteria by means of culture-based and sequencing approaches. The use of isolates under standardized conditions in continuous culture systems and gnotobiotic models helps us understanding microbe-microbe and microbe-host interactions. In particular, we are interested in specific microbial functions involved in interactions with the host and nutritional factors, including the conversion of lipids and effects on gut and liver physiology.