Welcome at the Homepage of the Institute of Medical Microbiology, RWTH University Hospital, Aachen
Since September 2014 I am director of the Institute of Medical Microbiology at the RWTH University Hospital. The institute actively participates in the education of medical students and the graduate and postgraduate education of life science students. It is additionally involved in research on the enteric microbiota and the epidemiology, pathogenesis and immune response to infectious diseases. Our main research interests are epidemiological studies on streptococcal diseases performed by the National Reference Laboratory (NRZ) on Streptococcal Diseases, novel strategies of antiinfectious therapies (antimicrobial peptides and phages), studies on the microbial pathogenesis and mucosal antimicrobial host defense mainly against enteropathogenic viruses, parasites and bacteria as well as functional investigations of commensal bacteria and the role of the enteric microbiota for our health. You can find information on our work, the team members and research activities on the following pages.
Yours sincerely,
Mathias Hornef, M.D.
Professor for Medical Microbiology
Mrs. Maike Schleibach
Phone: 0241 80-89510/-89511
Fax: 0241 80-82483
How to find us
Enter the building through the main entrance. Keep on walking forward, towards the back of the building until you reach elevator D4. Take the elevator to the 5th floor. This is the entrance of the Institute of Medical Microbiology.
Foto Prof. Hornef: © Peter Winandy, im Auftrag der RWTH für die RWTH Homepage
News from the Institute of Medical Microbiology
Scientific Symposium: Prof. Thomas Clavel als Speaker zu Gast in der Goethe Universität Frankfurt
Die Goethe-Universität Frankfurt lädt mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Friedrich-Merz-Stiftungsgastprofessur zum „Symposium Dietary and therapeutic microbiomemodulation: State of The Art and…