Message archive

Review article by Natalia Torow and Mathias Hornef in Immunity

Together with Timothy Hand from the University of Pittsburgh, Natalia Torow and Mathias Hornef summarize and discuss our current knowledge and the concepts of the establishment of the mucosal immune…

Perspective article in Nature on the analysis of low density microbiota

A perspective article with Mathias Hornef as co-author was published in Nature on January 25th 2023 dealing with the analysis of low density microbiota. The paper discusses the technical problems and…

Annika Schwentker successfully defended her PhD

On January 23rd,Annika Schwentker from the AG Hornef successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled “Enterohepatic cooperation in the postnatal establishment of immune homeostasis”. Her work was…

Mathias Hornef spoke at the Botnar Reasearch Center for Child Health on November 18th2022 at the ETH Zürich

Mathias Hornef talked about his research at the BRCCH Seminar on the importance of the microbiome in pediatric health on November 18that the ETH in Zürich. The talk is available…

Award of the German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology to Mathias Hornef, MD

The German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM) awarded the 2022 prize to Mathias Hornef, MD. Mathias Hornef studied medicine at the Karl-Eberhard-University of Tübingen, the University Lübeck,…

New DFG-funded Collaborative Research Center PILOT with Tom Clavel and Mathias Hornef as PIs

The newborn's immune system is suddenly confronted with microorganisms, food and numerous environmental influences at birth. How do the baby's immune cells prepare for this moment during pregnancy and…

Aachener Studie in „Cell Host & Microbe“ erschienen

Kultivierte Vielfalt der Maus-Darmmikrobiota ermöglicht maßgeschneiderte synthetische Gemeinschaften

Herzlich willkommen, Professor Selkrig!

Seit dem 1. Februar 2022 arbeitet Juniorprofessor Joel Selkrig als W1-Professor für Mukosale Infektionsbiologie am Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie. Er studierte Molekulare und Medizinische…

Marianne Grognot new professor and group leader at the Uniklinik RWTH Aachen of Medical Microbiology

We are glad that Marianne Grognot, PhD, decided to accept our offer and join our institute as junior professor to continue her work on biophysics of host-microbes interactions, using quantitative…

Dunja von Zezschwitz defended her MD thesis

March 4th 2022, Dunja von Zezschwitz from the AG Hornef successfully defended her MD thesis entitled „The influence of bile acids and lactose on in vitro growth of Giardia lamblia“. Congratulations!

Matthias Schmitz defended his Bachelor thesis

March 3th 2022, Matthias Schmitz from the AG Hornef successfully defended his Bachelor thesis entitled „Impact of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli infection on gene expression in murine small…

Successful PhD defense by our colleague Stefan Schlößer

Stefan Schlößer from the AG Hornef successfully presented and defended his PhD thesis “The influence of postnatal infectious challenge on enteric tissue development and epithelial cell…