Abstracts (nur Erstautor)

Grözinger M, Röschke J. Acute Treatment of Schizophrenic and Manic Patients with Parenteral Olanzapine. Robert Sommer Symposium, Zentrum für Psychiatrie, Universität Giessen, 2004.

Grözinger M, Röschke J. Behandlung akuter schizophrener und manischer Patienten mit Olanzapin i.m. 8. Bad Homburger ZNS-Gespräche, 2004.

Grözinger M, Röschke J. The automatic recognition of REM sleep -a challenge and some answers. 12th IPEG meeting 2002, Barcelona. Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol 2002; 24 (Suppl D): 33-5.

Grözinger M, Röschke J. Effects of a nonREM waking paradigm in depressed patients. 8. Kongress DGBP 2002, Düsseldorf, Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2002; 252 (Suppl 1): V112.

Grözinger M, Dragicevic A, Hiemke C, Müller MJ, Härtter S. Melperone might influence antidepressive treatments. 10. Dt. Kongreß für Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin, 2002, Göttingen. Somnologie 2002; 6 (Suppl 1): 21 (No 49).

Grözinger M, Röschke J. Effects of short awakenings challenging the nonREM-REM alternating mechanism in depressives. 16th congress of the European Sleep Research Society 2002, Reykjavik. Journal of Sleep Research 2002; 11 (Suppl 1): 88 (No 175).

Grözinger M, Röschke J. Selective REM sleep deprivation can relieve depression - so can appropriate awakenings from NonREM sleep. Sleep 2000; 23 (Suppl 2): A36-A37.

► frühere Abstracts (nur Erstautor)

Grözinger M, Uhl T, Röschke J. Effects of short awakenings on the ultradian sleep cycle. Society of Neuroscience 1999; 25 (Part 1): 27.

Grözinger M, Kögel P, Uhl T, Röschke J. Does an increased intracyclic REM pressure induce antidepressive effects? Sleep Research Online 1999; 2 (Suppl 1): 532.

Grözinger M, Kögel P, Uhl T, Röschke J. Selective REM sleep deprivation in depressive patients. XI World Congress of Psychiatry 1999; II: 119.

Grözinger M, Härtter S, Rose D-M, Wang X, Röschke J, Hiemke C. Hemmt Fluvoxamin den Abbau von oral zugeführtem und körpereigenem Melatonin? Somnologie 1999; 3 (Suppl 1): 35.

Grözinger M, Härtter S, Wang X, Röschke J, Hiemke C. Melatonin serum concentrations in various drug conditions in a case of low melatonin syndrome. Proceedings of the 27th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference 1999; 873.

Grözinger M, Härtter S, Hiemke C, Röschke J. Oxybutynin interacts with clomipramine blood levels in antidepressive treatment. Other drug therapies involving metabolism by cytochrom P450 might be affected as well. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 1998; 248 (Suppl 2): 96.

Grözinger M, Uhl T, Röschke J. Uniformity of the EEG signal is a characteristic feature of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Soc Neuroscience 1997; 23 (Part 1): 21, AbstrNo 1610.

Grözinger M, Sobanski T, Heun R, Röschke J. Reliabilität manueller Schlafstadienauswertungen durch Rater aus verschiedenen Schlafzentren. Somnologie 1997; (Suppl 1): 40.

Grözinger M, Uhl T. Röschke J Analysis of the decision behavior of an artificial neural network trained for the recognition of rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep. Proceedings of the 24th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference 1997; 1054.

Grözinger M, Härtter S, Hiemke C, Röschke J. Does modafinil increase the blood level of tricyclic antidepressive comedication? Abstracts of the 3rd International Meeting on Sleep Disorders 1997; 183, AbstrNo 64.

Grözinger M, Uhl T, Röschke J. Kohonen feature maps in the online detection of REM sleep from single channel sleep EEG data. Abstracts of the World Congress on Neural Networks (WCNN'96) 1996; 885.

Grözinger M, Röschke J. Automatic online detection of REM sleep from single channel EEG data. A study in healthy volunteers with and without lorazepam medication. Journal of Sleep Research 1996; 5 (Suppl 1): 79.

Grözinger M, Röschke J, Frank C. Recognition of REM sleep with artificial neural networks based on preprocessed periods of 2,5 seconds of EEG activity. Soc Neuroscience Abstr 1995; 21: 1237.

Grözinger M, Uhl T, Röschke J. Erkennung des Schlafstadiums REM aus Einkanal-Schlaf-EEG-Daten mittels Selbstorganisierender Neuronaler Netze (SON). 3. Dt. Kongress für Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin, Leistung und Schlaf 1995; 85.

Grözinger M, Röschke J. Influence of short term lorazepam administration on the automatic evaluation of sleep EEG data. Pharmacopsychiatry 1995; 28: 182.

Grözinger M, Röschke J. Automatic detection of REM sleep in depressive patients treated with amitriptyline by application of artificial neural networks. Proceedings of the 7th IPEG-Symposium-Berlin 1994.

Grözinger M, Röschke J. Evaluation in preprocessed sleep EEG data with artifical neural networks REM sleep detection in healthy subjects and depressive patients. Symposium Genf, Abstracts of the International Analysis Automatique Sommeil 1994.

Grözinger M, Freisleben B, Röschke J. Comparison of a backpropagation network and nonparametric discriminant analysis in the evaluation of sleep EEG data. World Congress on Neural Networks (WCNN'94) 1994; San Diego, I: 462-6.

Grözinger M, Röschke J. Recognition of rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep by artificial neural networks in depressive patients treated with amitriptyline. Sensory Transduction. Proceedings of the 22st Göttinger 1994; Neurobiology Conference, II: 863.

Grözinger M, Klöppel B, Röschke J. Application of artificial neural networks in the detection of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Pharmacopsychiatry 1993; 26: 155.

Grözinger M, Klöppel B, Röschke J. Recognition of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep by artificial neural networks. World Congress on Neural Networks (WCNN'93) 1993; Portland, I: 182-5.

Grözinger M, Klöppel B, Röschke J. Online evaluation of sleep EEG data by artifical neural networks. Gene-Brain-Behaviour. Proceedings of the 21st Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, 1993; Abstr 873.

Grözinger M, Henningsen H, Pohlmann-Eden B, Berlit P. Der Liquor/Serum Neopterinquotient in der Liquordiagnostik entzündlicher ZNS-Erkrankungen. 63. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie, Verh der Dt Ges f Neurologie 1991; 6: 149-50.

Grözinger M, Nestle C, Teuber J, Berlit P. Neopterin in der Diagnose entzündlicher neurologischer Erkrankungen. Psycho 1989: 5, 344: 26-8.

Grözinger M, Henningsen H, Teuber J, Nestle C, Berlit P. CSF and serum neopterin levels in patients with inflammatory neurological diseases and in controls. Platform presentation, Neurology India 1989; 37 (Suppl): 206.