Dr. Peiman Pilehchi Ha

Pauwelsstraße 30, 52074 Aachen
Tel.: 0241 80-83144
- 2014-2018 PhD in Architektur, Tarbiat Modares Universität, Iran
- 2006-2009 Master of Arts in Bauingenieurwesen, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran
- 2002-2006 Bachelor of Science in Bauingenieurwesen, Imam Khomeini International University, Iran
Beruflicher Werdegang:
- 2022 bis heute: Postdoktorand im Lehr- und Forschungsgebietes Healthy Living Spaces, Universitätsklinikum RWTH Aachen, Deutschland
- 2012-2021: Dozent, Kowsar Institution of Higher Education, Iran
- 2019-2021: Lehrbeauftragter, Azad University South Tehran Branch, Iran
- 2009-2011: Lehrbeauftragter, Miremad Institution of Higher Education, Iran
- 2008-2013: Lehrbeauftragter, Dehkhoda Institution of Higher Education, Iran
- Nachhaltige Gebäudeplanung
- Klimawandel
- (Tages-)Beleuchtungssimulation
- Gebäudeenergieeffizienz
- Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden
(Die Auflistung ist auf eine Auswahl beschränkt. Mehr auf Google Scholar und ResearchGate (siehe unten))
- Norouziasas, Alireza, Peiman Pilehchi Ha, Mona Ahmadi, and Hom Bahadur Rijal. "Evaluation of urban form influence on pedestrians' wind comfort." Building and Environment (2022): 109522. DOI
- Pouyanmehr, M., Pilechiha, P., Berardi, U. and Carnemolla, P., 2022. External shading form-finding: simulating daylighting and dynamic view access assessment. Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 15(3), pp.398-409. DOI
- Bazazzadeh, H., Pilechiha, P., Nadolny, A. and Mahdavinejad, M., 2021. The impact assessment of climate change on building energy consumption in Poland. Energies, 14(14), p.4084. DOI
- Pilechiha, P., Norouziasas, A., Naeini, H.G. and Jolma, K., 2021. Evaluation of occupant's adaptive thermal comfort behaviour in naturally ventilated courtyard houses. Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, ahead-of-print, ahead-of-print. DOI
- Valitabar, M., Mahdavinejad, M., Skates, H. and Pilechiha, P., 2021. A dynamic vertical shading optimisation to improve view, visual comfort and operational energy. Open House International. 46(3), pp. 401-415. DOI
- Pilechiha, P., Mahdavinejad, M., Rahimian, F.P., Carnemolla, P. and Seyedzadeh, S., 2020. Multi-objective optimisation framework for designing office windows: quality of view, daylight and energy efficiency. Applied Energy, 261, p.114356. DOI
- Nadiri, P., Mahdavinejad, M. and Pilechiha, P., 2019. Optimisation of Building Façade to Control Daylight Excessiveness and View to Outside. Journal of Applied Engineering Sciences, 90(2). DOI
- Mehrabadi, E., Pilechiha, P. and Mahdavinejad, M., 2021. Horsefly: A Simulation Tool to Evaluate View to Outdoor, 12th annual Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD 2021).
- Najafi, A. and Pilechiha, P., 2021. Energy and Daylight Performance Optimization Of Butterfly Inspired Intelligent Adaptive Façade, 9th ASCAAD Conference Proceedings, Cairo, 2-4 March 2021, pp. 99-112.
- Valitabar, M., Mahdavinejad, M., Skates, H., and Pilechiha, P., 2021. Data-Driven Design of Adaptive Façades, View, Glare, Daylighting & Energy Efficiency, 9th ASCAAD Conference Proceedings, Cairo, 2-4 March 2021, pp. 699-711.
- Farahani, M., Mahdavinejad, M., and Pilechiha, P., 2020. A Framework for Optimising Tall Building Form to Reduce Solar Reflection Impacts, 54th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association 2020 (ANZAScA), the Architectural Science Association, pp. 81–90.
- Pilechiha, P., Mahdavinejad, M., and Beizaee, A., 2020. Simulation Assisted Design Exploration to Evaluate View and Energy Performance of Window Shading, Proceedings of the 5th IBPSA-England Conference on Building Simulation and Optimization (Virtual), Loughborough, UK: 21-22 September.
- Valitabar, M., Moghimi, M., Mahdavinejad, M., and Pilechiha, P., 2018. Design Optimum Responsive Façade Based on Visual Comfort and Energy Performance, Proceedings of the 23rd CAADRIA Conference, Volume 2, May. 17-19, pp. 93-102, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
- Fachzeitschriften (u.a.: Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, LEUKOS, International Journal of Architectural Computing)