Praise, recognition & complaints:
Praise and complaint management and patient advocates

Praise and complaints management

Patient complaints are the other face of patient satisfaction, which is why we invest heavily in our complaints management. Complaints can be submitted in writing, by telephone or in person to the Central Complaints Management department. Alternatively, the Call & Service Center is available around the clock, seven days a week, with qualified staff who will be happy to take up your complaints and resolve them directly or forward them to the Praise and Complaints Management department for processing. Every complaint is processed there and analyzed with regard to possible potential for improvement. Every complainant receives feedback once the complaint has been processed, regardless of the type of complaint.



Dr. Ralf Lenz
Clinical Quality and Risk Management Unit
Tel.: 0241 80-80631

Call & Service Center
Phone: 0241 80-0
Fax: 0241 80-82460

Patient advocate

The patient advocate at the University Hospital RWTH Aachen, Alfred Schüller, takes time for you and stands up for your interests. His voluntary position is neutral; he is not an employee of the hospital. After receiving your request, the patient advocate will coordinate the next steps with you. These may include, for example, arranging a clarifying discussion with the specialist clinic providing treatment or the nursing management. If necessary, you may also be referred to the central complaints management department. It is also possible to send written messages to them. The letterbox provided for this purpose is located on the entrance level in corridor B, behind the escalator on the right, between elevator B4 and B5.



Consultation hours
Wednesdays from 13:00 to 15:00
The office is located on floor 1 in corridor B, room 13.

Postal address
University Hospital RWTH Aachen
Patient advocate
Pauwelsstraße 30
52074 Aachen